Diplomas Now

Diplomas Now is an innovative school turnaround model that unites three experienced non-profit organizations–City Year, Communities In Schools, and Talent Development – to work with the nation’s most challenged middle and high schools to deliver the right interventions to the right students at the right time.

The partnership combines evidence-based, comprehensive school improvement with an early warning system, national service and integrated student services that are dedicated to helping students at-risk of dropping out get back on track and stay on track to high school graduation and be ready for college and career.

The program integrates teacher quality, community/family support, and curriculum/student support to address high school completion. The program targets middle school students as they transition into high school, because early warning signs have shown predictors of dropping out as early as 6th grade.

What Your Community Can Do to End its Dropout Crisis: Learnings from Research and Practice” by Robert Balfanz, Johns Hopkins University

This is a resource guide based on over a decade’s worth of learning at the Center for Social Organization of Schools at Johns Hopkins University, that synthesizes what has been learned over the past decade about keeping students on the graduation path. It highlights the importance of four key transition points:

  • the early years of schooling
  • the transition to the middle grades
  • the transition to high school
  • the transition to college and careers

Click here to download this resource guide.

For more information about Diplomas Now, including research findings and resources, visit the Diplomas Now website.

This video from the Diplomas Now collaboration was produced by Education Week.

(text from the Diplomas Now website)

Half of the nation’s yearly high school dropouts (500,000) come from just 12 percent of the nation’s high schools (1,700).
-Diplomas Now website